How to play: Madlibs is a template word game created by Leonard Stern and Roger Price. You will be given prompts for a list of words that will be substituted in blanks in a story. Fill in the blanks to reveal the story!


Please fill out the following!

Himona ma̱, nita hohchʋffo yʋt ko̱wi hiki̱a tuk. pi̱sa tuk. pʋt anta tuk. Nita okpulo mʋt ossi ʋpat pisa tuk. yʋt balilit isht ia tuk. Ilʋppʋt pʋlhki hosh pit tuk. Iti ona tuk. Nita yʋt yʋmma ʋpa tuk kiyo. Nita yʋt himmak ma̱ sʋlaha hosh iti ia tuk. ossi ʋt yʋmma pisa tuk. , "Anusi ma i̱shi li, chi bʋnna ?" Nita micha yʋt nowat itiachi tuk.